Green Health Dietetics

Plant-based IBS and low FODMAP Dietitian

Elizabeth Sanchez BSc Hons RD

I specialise in helping people with IBS to manage their gut issues quickly so they can get back to living their best lives, especially if you want to follow a (more) plant-based diet.


Vegetarian IBS Dietitian
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Are you struggling with IBS every day?

Does any of this sound familiar?


  • Daily digestive discomfort (everything you eat seems to make it worse!)

  • Eating out just once means the next few days are ruined

  • Worrying about embarrassing situations puts you off making plans with friends

  • You have to plan your route according to where the toilets are

  • You live in unflattering baggy tracksuit bottoms and some days you can’t even do up your jeans

  • Holidays are a thing of the past

  • You’re worried about your health, you can’t possibly be getting all the nutrients you need

I can help!




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I’m Lizzie Sanchez, plant-based IBS Dietitian.

I’m a UK Registered Dietitian with over 10 years of experience and a passion for helping people feel their best through food and nutrition.

I care more than anything about people and our planet, which is why my ambition is to support people who follow a vegetarian or vegan diet or those who want to eat more plants.

I’ve always been fascinated by how the gut works and I knew from early on in my career that I wanted to help people with IBS live their best lives without the daily struggle of tummy problems.

I can help if you are struggling with IBS and you want to understand more about your triggers, whilst following a healthy and varied plant-rich diet.  I use up-to-date scientific evidence in a friendly and judgement-free way.

Read more about me on my About page.

How I can help you


Book a consultation

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Click here to find out more about booking a 1:1 session or package with me to help you manage IBS on a plant-based diet.

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Receive weekly emails with lots of helpful information about following a plant-based diet with IBS, as well as news and offers.

read my blog

Read my blog to learn more about how to eat with Irritable Bowel Syndrome.

join my facebook group

Join my community of plant-based IBS sufferers like you for expert guidance and to share experiences and tips.

My Mission


I help people with Irritable Bowel Syndrome to identify their food triggers quickly so they can have the freedom to go out, socialise and be spontaneous without having to use trial and error tactics, wasting time searching on the internet for answers or compromising on following a vegetarian, vegan or mostly plants diet.

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Kind words

from happy clients

Lizzie has an evidence based, knowledgeable but super-supportive approach.

Georgia, previous client

I'm so glad I went to see Lizzie who has been an absolute godsend with all her support and advice. Many thanks Lizzie for all your help.

Philippa, previous client

Lizzie gave me some brilliant advice and every session I had with her I learned something new. She gave me ideas on what I could be doing and it worked extremely well. She is very friendly and very easy to talk to, I would recommend her 10 times out of 10.


Work with me

Goodbye gut issues!

Lowest FODMAP Beans – How to Include Beans in the Low FODMAP Diet

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Your Guide to the Best Low FODMAP Bread Options

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The Best Low FODMAP Milk Alternatives: A Dietitian’s Guide

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Are Carrots Low FODMAP? A practical guide for IBS sufferers.

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The low FODMAP diet for vegetarians and vegans

Treatment of Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS) is based around symptom management.  If you follow a vegetarian or vegan diet, perhaps you’ve read about the low FODMAP diet as one option to managing your IBS. But you may be wondering if it’s suitable for you. ...



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Croydon, London, UK